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Willy the Wacky Wonton is depicted as a wonton with a green ribbon and a perpetually nervous expression. He has thin eyebrows and heavily-lidded black eyes.

The idea for Willy came from a suggestion in Viaduct Tavern's Q+A video from Joseph Cornell on Facebook. Joseph went on to list other character suggestions, including "Samuel the Sassy Club Sandwich," "Randy the Racist Rack of Ribs," "Elbert the Crotchety Egg Salad Sandwich," and "Bono the Big Ass Beefy Bacon Burger," none of which have ever been made characters. However, Joseph did suggest that Shane "trick Ryan into voicing one or many of these brilliant characters", foreshadowing Doctor Goondis's appearance as an egg and subsequent voicing from Ryan's audio files.



Willy the Wacky Wonton was invited to Gebra and Maizey's wedding. However, the wedding was interrupted by Pam and Baby Brandon (possessing the Raccoon), who revealed that most of the Wedding Guests, including Willy, were her own witch holograms, except for Rebecca, Dan, Gene, Mike Soup, the Sausage Priest, and Future Brandon. Pam also revealed that the entire venue was a hologram, and that they were standing on a rickety bridge above a volcano. However, Maizey, interrupting Pam's speech, convinced the Sausage Priest to marry her and Gebra, even though they were both aware they were holograms. Maizey also got the Risky Fixin's to play a song, "Relish Life". Willy the Wacky Wonton was later killed by Baby Brandon when he launched all of the Wedding Guests into the lava. Only Maizey, Gene, and Mike Soup survived.