Tomat-0 is a distant planet of jungle and swamp, occupied primarily by the gentle Plupples. It provides the setting for the larger part of seasons three and four.
The indigenous occupants of the planet seem to consist only of a species of possible fruit called a Plupple (think peaches, but blue, and "dumb as hell"). There seem to be feral and docile varieties, as well as vicious winged beasts, and a singular gigantic monster Plupple (Moofus).
Besides that, off-worlder and veteran of the Space War, Ernesto Gordon Goondis, settled there an unspecified time after the war. At some point his charisma gained him the adoration of the Plupples, and he took the position of their supreme leader.
Fellow off-worlders Jobblet and Garce, two peaches disguised as Plupples, also took up residence on Tomat-0 at some point and integrated into Plupple society. Jobblet exercised a form of dark hypnosis to take control of Goondis, then ran Plupple society according to his own desires as Goondis's second in command.
It is first described from orbital scans as a "swampy pile-a junk" by Gene, while Shane's narration refers to it several times as a "jungle planet". The action of the plot is split between jungle-y areas covered with purple alien foliage on the surface and an extensive system of caverns below. Both are occupied by different varieties of Plupples, though organized Plupple society seems to exist primarily within the subterranean caves.
Garce also mentions a plateau somewhere on the surface when indicating the Minestrone's supposed crash site, though it is never shown.