Hot Daga Wiki

"Mount your crab."



The Crab Joust was a pivotal battle in season one of the Hot Daga, (commissioned by Ryan Bergara and written by Shane Madej). The joust was fought between Dan and Pam, simply because Pam is "straight-up evil". The Crab Joust was foretold in the ancient Hot Dog Prophecy.

Creation and Relevance[]

The infamous and thrilling joust began at the end of the Amelia Earhart Q+A episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved: Postmortem, creating a titillating cliffhanger, initiated by Ryan Bergara. Madej, the writer of the Hot Daga did not intend for the episode to be a cliffhanger, but was encouraged by Bergara to write more in-depth episodes of the series. This episode led to the creation of the following seasons of the Hot Daga.


The participants of the Crab Joust are as follows:

(Rebecca and Baby Brandon attended the joust as unwilling spectators.)