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"A crow ate one of my eyes at the bank last Labor Day, by the way. That’s why I have an eye patch now."


Steven Rootbeer is depicted as an overflowing rootbeer mug with an eye patch.


Steven Rootbeer is a grouchy, stern character who may have been in a relationship with Melba Dill previously. He once had a mustache when he was in the Risky Fixin's, and he is one of Gene's so called 'Best Friends' before he is revealed to be a witch hologram, conjured by Pam.

Young Adulthood[]

Steven Rootbeer co-formed Sweet Gene and the Risky Fixin's with Melba Dill and Gene in the 1990s. Melba Dill was secretly in love with Steven Rootbeer at the time, but fell out of love when he and Gene blew their band's money on wine and trampolines. The band continued for years, winning awards and admiration, until Melba Dill left the band due to their poor spending habits. The band subsequently broke up, and Steven Rootbeer ended up opening a bar along an old dirt road in Texas.


Before Gene came to visit, a crow pecked out one of Steven Rootbeer's eyes on Labor Day. He then wore an eye patch for the rest of his life.

When Gene came to visit, Steven Rootbeer initially pretended not to know him, in the hopes Gene would go away. However, after Gene persisted, Steven admitted to knowing who he was. He was initially opposed to reforming Sweet Gene and the Risky Fixin's, but agreed to on one condition: that Gene would let him "lay down some seriously chunky bass lines".

Later, he traveled with Future BrandonDanRebecca, Gene, and Melba Dill on Conductor Craig's train to Gene's sister, Gebra's, wedding. The group later played a game, Fun Facts About Gene, and most notably learned that Rebecca had dreamed of Gene every night of her life, even before she knew him. Steven Rootbeer's fun fact was that he "saw [[[Gene]]] do a magic trick once where he sat on his own lap".

At the wedding, Gene introduced the rest of the Wedding Guests to the Risky Fixin's. Pam and Baby Brandon, then crashing the wedding, revealed that most of the Wedding Guests, including Steven Rootbeer, were Pam's own witch holograms. Pam also revealed that the wedding venue was a hologram as well, and that they were actually on top of a rickety bridge above a volcano. However, Maizey, interrupting Pam's speech, convinced the Sausage Priest to marry her and Gebra, even though they were both aware they were holograms. Maizey also got the Risky Fixin's to play a song, "Relish Life". Steven Rootbeer was later killed by Baby Brandon when he launched all of the Wedding Guests into the lava. Only Maizey, Gene, and Mike Soup survived.