The Chili Wars, also known as the Space Wars, started when Space-Pope Chili IX declared war on soups. Soups and Chilis proceeded to fight, with the Chilis in the Chili Empire and centered in space, and the Soups in an organization called the Sauce, centered on Earth. The Wars continued for years, and many lives were taken on both sides.

Mike Soup and Dr. Goondis during the Chili Wars.
Mike Soup, a Soup pirate captain under the name of the Soup Baron, piloting the Starship Minestrone, "kicked ass" with a close friend of his, Doctor Goondis, during the Wars. Mike Soup personally assassinated Space-Pope Chili IX, putting an end to the war. However, in the process, he blew up a civilian transport, making him a war criminal.
In this civilian transport was Merga, Joblet's wife, who unfortunately perished with her fellow passengers.
The remaining Chilis and Soups then created the Treaty of Ver-Soy, which officially brought an end to the Chili Wars. For his war crimes, Mike Soup was then banished to the outer rims of the galaxy, where he continued to fight hostile Chili factions that refused to acknowledge the treaty.