Hot Daga Wiki
Hot Daga Wiki

If you are looking for Future Brandon's page, please click here. Baby Brandon has a separate page than Future Brandon because they are treated as different characters.

"And we'll drop the rest of the hot dog family in there, too, because fuck them."


Baby Brandon appears as a mild red hot dog without buns, swaddled, with a pacifier in his mouth. He has red hair (assumed to be ketchup) and thick eyebrows. He is mostly depicted through the Raccoon he possesses, which has red eyes while being possessed.


Baby Brandon is an incredibly smart infant and can speak fluently. He is a current villain towards Future Brandon and the rest of the characters (besides Pam and the Dark Master).

Early Life[]

Baby Brandon is the son of Rebecca and Dan. He was kept a secret from Dan until Rebecca and Dan met on the island. He watched the events of the island in Rebecca's arms.

Before Dan and Pam could duel, Future Brandon intervened by using time travel and witches' magic to stop the two. Dan and Rebecca were worried that Future Brandon would have to go back to the future, but at Dan and Rebecca's agreement, Future Brandon ate Baby Brandon, causing him to die and resurface later as a spirit.

Before the Raccoon could eat Pam as punishment, Baby Brandon possessed it and explained the events to Pam. He professed his want for revenge, "My name, Pam, is Brandon. And I was eaten by myself. So together, you and I are going to kill me", and joined Pam in her efforts to serve the Dark Master. At Gebra and Maizey's wedding, Baby Brandon pulled a lever by the side of the bridge overlooking the volcano, and killed all of the Wedding Guests (including Future Brandon), except for Gene, Maizey, and Mike Soup.

After the deed, Baby Brandon and Pam met with the Dark Master in the Hall of Shadows to discuss. Baby Brandon was the one to break the news that a "hologram and a french fries", Gene and Maizey, had survived the volcano. However, he was spared the wrath of the Dark Master. Both he and Pam expressed horror as the Dark Master received the power of the Gauntlet of Ultimate Power, or, G.U.P. Watching Pam's death by combustion, he did not know that Pam came back as a ghost, and his whereabouts are currently unknown.